Craig Jones

Company Agent at East Coast Real Estate

  • Agent License: 090-0348-8346
  • Tax Number: HGT-92384-3434
  • Service Areas: New York, Miami, Miami Beach
  • Specialties: Property management, Real estate development, Real estate appraising, Retail leasing, Apartment brokerage

Property Types

  • 80% Apartment/ Condo
  • 20% Townhouse/ Terrace/ Villa

Property Status

  • 80% For Lease
  • 20% For Sale

Property Cities

  • 80% Miami
  • 20% New York

About Craig Jones

Hi, I’m Craig Jones. You might have seen me on Better Home Decorating or a few of the other leading lifestyle shows and magazines. All bragging aside, I love to share my knowledge of real estate and have some unique tips that both buyers and sellers always find to be an incredible help to them.

I usually focus on the New York area but lately, with the help of this website, I am branching out more into international property sales.

Please get in touch if you would like genuine, insightful and professional help buying or selling your property.



Language: English, Spanish, French

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    Good agent

    Nam congue nisi eu orci laoreet, nec tristique dolor scelerisque. Aenean mauris sem, commodo et accumsan ac, dictum vitae sem. Sed bibendum nunc neque, in auctor enim ultricies nec. Proin ornare nibh libero, id euismod nulla aliquam et. Nam eget augue ut dolor sagittis feugiat. Nullam et nibh id lacus mollis laoreet eu et mi.

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