Bright Modern 2 Bedroom Apartment LA

USA, 3617 Clarington Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90034, USA, California, Los Angeles, Brookside, 3617 Clarington Ave
  • USD$1,900,000
  • Property Type: Residential
  • 2300 Sq Ft
  • Beds: 2
  • Apartment/ Condo
1 year ago

Contemporary Apartment, London

UK, 42 Oakley St London SW3 United Kingdom, UK, London, Chelsea, 42 Oakley St
  • £2,150,000
  • 360 m2
  • 150 m2
  • Beds: 4
  • Apartment/ Condo
1 year ago

Amazing home for family

USA, 501 Brickell Key Dr STE 400, Miami, FL 33131, USA, Florida, Miami, Brickel, 501 Brickell Key Dr STE 400
  • USD$890,000
  • USD$3,690 / sq ft
  • 1450 Sq Ft
  • Beds: 3
  • Prestige/ Luxury
1 year ago
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